AI in Everyday Life: How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Way We Live

AI in Everyday Life: How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Way We Live

Artificial intelligence is becoming a daily part of our lives, making things easier and more intuitive. Here are some ways AI impacts your everyday life.

AI has become an incredible part of optimizing our lives. From the way we entertain ourselves to how we interact with our mobile devices, AI is everywhere. If you drive a modern vehicle, artificial intelligence is part of the experience, and AI is also used to improve the production process of many items we use and enjoy every day.

Here are some examples of AI in your everyday life.

Voice Assistants Use AI

The digital assistant in your home that helps you with music, entertainment, comfort, and information utilizes an AI-backed voice assistant of some type. It doesn’t matter if you use Alexa, Google Assistant, Siri, or Cortana, you’re using voice assistant, which makes use of AI to help ensure you have the results you’re looking for. These assistant items can complete tasks such as changing the temperature on your smart thermostat or starting your vehicle and setting the temperature for you.


One of the most often used forms of AI in your everyday life is your navigation system. Whether you use Google Maps or Waze, these apps use machine learning and analyze real-time traffic data to generate the best route for you to travel from one location to another. If you’ve ever heard your navigation system tell you that it’s found an alternate route that will save you some time, you’ve enjoyed the benefit of AI being used for your navigation system.

Social Media

Social media platforms utilize AI to personalize your newsfeed and show you content that is most relevant to your recent searches. AI also helps to remove spam, fake news, and abusive content, but some of it still gets through. If you’re wondering why your newsfeeds show mostly current events and items you’ve recently searched for or don’t show posts from some of your friends and family, it’s because of your recent searches and engagement levels on these platforms.

Entertainment Streaming Apps

Many of the streaming services we use every day offer suggestions for shows and movies you might like to watch. How do these services do this? It’s just another way that AI is used in your everyday life. These streaming services use your interaction with other shows and various categories to suggest the right movies and shows for you. Sometimes, these are great suggestions, and other times, they aren’t, but the algorithms used continually review your streaming habits to provide suggestions for your entertainment.

Personalized Marketing

Why does it seem like all you have to do is think about something, and it will show up in your search as a suggested item? While artificial intelligence algorithms aren’t quite this intuitive if you search for videos to solve a problem, specific products or services, or search for companies that can handle your problem, these searches flow into the marketing algorithm, and you’ll begin to see ads for the items and services you need. Research shows that consumers are more likely to purchase items when they are directly marketed to them.


AI is used for more than your navigation app. If you drive a newer vehicle, there’s a good chance you’ve got AI at work for you during your everyday life. Most of the advanced safety features in cars use some form of artificial intelligence to keep you safe and help avoid a collision. Some cars now have advanced self-driving features to handle most of your highway driving while you relax with your feet off the pedals and hands off the wheels. You still need to pay attention, but it’s a step forward for technology.

Fraud Detection in Banking

It might feel like our bank accounts are being hacked in one way or another every day, and in some cases, that’s certainly true. Thankfully, many banks have implemented artificial intelligence programs and services to ensure the purchases you want to make are actually items you’re buying. Most fraud detection systems will send you a text when you make a large purchase or buy something that’s a little unusual for you based on your banking history.

Gamifying Therapy

Physical therapy and some exercise are boring, but if you turn the therapy into a game, it can be a lot more fun. This is another way that AI is being used to improve your everyday life. You can gamify weight loss, exercise, and therapy to get better results and allow you, as the patient, to focus on the game and not on the boredom and pain of the exercise.


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